Modern Shamama

CrystalTech Articles

Dance of Duality Collection Spotlight

Clear Compassion

Clear Compassion

My purpose is to unlock your heart's loving wisdom. I help you heal your deepest heart wounds with peace so that you can access your heart's eternal reservoir of unconditional loving presence and insight. My nature is to see and empathize with your heart's experiences...

Sublime Spiral

Sublime Spiral

My purpose is to bring you cycles of continuous light by activating your inner sun and by reflecting light in the night for your intuition to flow freely. My nature is to radiate the powers of the Moon and Sun, to activate the Goddess and God in you, and to balance...

Elevated Attitude

Elevated Attitude

My purpose is to raise your perspective so that you can see all you experience with a joyful heart and an attitude of gratitude. I help you stop taking things personally so you can start appreciating all that comes your way. My nature is to bless your inner water with...

Abundance For All

Abundance For All

My purpose is to activate your connection to absolute abundance so that you can give and receive as you desire--and as much as you desire. I help you celebrate others' wins as your own so that you can resonate with the manifestations you want. My nature is to saturate...

Peaceful Being

Peaceful Being

My purpose is to soothe your soul so that you can relax into the purity of your I Am Presence. I help you heal what's holding you back so you can be fully present to the magic hidden in the present moment. My nature is to heal your heart and calm your mind so you can...

Calm Clarity

Calm Clarity

My purpose is to calm and stabilize your mind at a higher perspective so that you see ALL with greater understanding--and even gratitude! I help you go with the flow and elevate your attitude so that you can see your patterns and environment with crystal-clear wisdom....

Bountiful Beauty

Bountiful Beauty

My purpose is to elevate your perspective and root gracious love into every part of yourself so that you can shine freely from the inside out. I help you see the beauty in all aspects of yourself and others. My nature is to renew your body and being so that you become...

Miraculous Healer

Miraculous Healer

My purpose is to shine the golden rays of healing energy so you can tap into your innate nature to live in perfect health and well-being. I help you completely heal your emotional, mental, energy, and physical bodies. My nature is to connect your quantum nature to...

Radical Rose

Radical Rose

My purpose is to remind you that it is safe to love fully, act on your wild inspirations, and be unapologetically your unique self. I help you break out of emotional ruts so that you can experience the joys of a loving heart and calm mind. My nature is to create a...

Total Renewal

Total Renewal

My purpose is to support your transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, from grumpy to joyous, from limited to limitless. I help you create and enjoy positive changes in your life so that you can live your true nature as a My purpose is to help you create positive...

How to Work With Crystals

How To Attune To Your Crystals

How To Attune To Your Crystals

Here’s 6 steps to get to know your new crystal friends and get a sense for their unique powers. 1. Center Quiet your mind and turn your awareness inward by focusing on your breath passing in and out at the bridge of your nostrils (the part that divides your two...

Dance of Duality Collection

Dance of Duality Collection

In our 3D reality, we grow up in an environment that teaches us duality—that there is good and bad. But this worldview robs us of our power, leaves us feeling fractured, and locks us into a state of fear and resistance. If we are...

Made With Love

High Quality Crystals

Blessed With Mantras

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